Struggling Goddess Dilemma #1


You all know that I need to work to get money in order to pry myself out of this tight financial spot I’m in. The thing is, the way we’ve conceived of work and its compensation throws a wrench in another important project of mine.

In the months I spent recovering from cancer and its treatment, I identified and developed ideas and practices that I believe contribute to good health, and in my case, decrease the likelihood that I will develop cancer again. There’s a lot to say about this, but for our current purposes, suffice to say that these efforts fall into six large categories:

1.   A really clean, nutritious, and fortifying diet.

2.   Lots of good quality sleep.

3.   Spending a lot of time moving, outdoors in nature.

4.   Engaging with the enlivening and numinous and fun—encountering mind-blowing ideas, nourishing spirit and soul in various ways, and challenging myself into growth.

5.   Managing stress—this is huge and varied.

6.   Spending time with people I love and like.

 There’s other stuff too, but let’s stick with these biggies.

So a day in which one honored all these needs might look like this:

Wake up and do yoga poses to transition into the day


Walk outside in a beautiful natural setting

Prepare and eat a nutritious breakfast. This will include chopping vegetables.

Read poetry


Go swimming in an outdoor pool

Read your book

Prepare and eat a nutritious lunch—more vegetable chopping because Vegetables! Yes!

Meet a friend for tea

Spend time working in the garden

Practice deep breathing

Prepare dinner for yourself and others—and eat it. Lots more veggies.

Short evening walk

Sing with the people you ate dinner with

Take a hot bath


Note your many blessings


In keeping with the optimal self-care theme, one might want to schedule periodic massages and dancing and visits with the Feldenkrais practitioner—all part of stress management. One also needs to squeeze in laundry and cleaning and home maintenance and all that shtick.

Uh-oh!! Hardly any time left for paid work!!

This is the Struggling Goddess Dilemma #1. I want to stay optimally  healthy, but when we throw financial health into the mix, meaning I have to trade my time for $$, I have to sidestep certain things that I know are good for me, or cut large corners. There’s certainly a wonderful satisfaction to working with others if you like what you do—and I do—but it means I’m eating frozen pizza because it’s there and I’m starving when I get home and I didn’t prep foods on the weekend because I was driving my son around and I get to bed later than I would like because I have to do laundry and there’s no time for a hot bath I just collapse into bed by the blessed end of the day. I’m doing good if I walk the dog in the morning and eat a salad.